School Students
Every year, hundreds of school students across the UK and world-wide participate in Orbyts. We partner each school with a specialist science researcher who will guide students to complete original, cutting-edge science research.
As an Orbyts Student you will:
Undertake world-leading scientific research, changing what humanity knows about the Universe
Experience what it’s like to really be a scientist and gain skills relevant to future careers and university applications
Join a community of science researchers across the world and get to know scientists working on: space missions, curing diseases, and developing revolutionary technologies
Present your research to other scientists at an end of project conference
If you’re a state-school student and interested in Orbyts, ask your teacher to contact us!
Orbyts school students say:
“The Orbyts programme was a key feature of my UCAS applications. I'm applying for civil engineering but this project helped me learn how to analyse data and work in a team and present the data like when we went to the science fair. I've never done anything like that before and I didn't think I'd be able to understand it enough to do it but it was something I really enjoyed.”
“What we did with X really changed my view on science - I took biology because I couldn't choose sport science! I never thought Physics could be something I could do. Just being part of it showed me more possibilities of science I'd never even thought of and sparked interest in other parts of science which I will never forget. Even though I'm not going into science as a career I developed a lot of other skills and like understanding of scientists as a team.”
"I used the whole experience in my UCAS application. When I began I thought I might go into a philosophy field at university but the experiences I've had over the last two years helped to change my mind and I now have a number of offers of places for Mechanical and Civil Engineering courses. Orbyts opened my eyes to the possibilities of science and increased my passion for the subject. It helped me see that science was something that anyone could participate in ... I learned about simple computing language (python) for analysis and realised it can be used by anyone - I had no idea no about coding but now I realise it's something I can actually do.”